Two Talented Toy Poodles

We would love to introduce you to Mojo and Freddie, two adorable British black toy poodles from Hilton in Derbyshire. These two talented pooches know how to drive and even have their own book. To find out more keep reading below! Mother and Son Mojo was born on the 24th of February, 2011 and was brought home 8 weeks later. She was very shy and only wanted to sit and cuddle with Lynne’s son Jamie. He even had to hold her food bowl to make her feel comfortable. However, once she realised she landed in toy poodles central she was absolutely fine. Freddie, on the other hand, was born at Lynne’s place on the 7th of October, 2014. Freddie is Mojo’s son and he was loved from the second he arrived into Lynne’s hand.

toy poodles

Quite a Scare

In December, Lynne and her family were on holiday in New York City and Freddie was being watched by a dog sitter. He ran off his lead and was missing for two days as he would not let anyone catch him. Lynne flew back as soon as she could and thankfully he was found but was cold, wet, covered in brambles, and very hungry. Since then, Lynne has not let Freddie out of her sight.

Training Geek

Mojo is very friendly, sweet natured, and very, very clever. She gets along well with dogs, people, and children. Mojo is also a training geek. When she sees the clicker come out she gets so excited and is happy to do some training. She loves sheepskin tuggies and breaks every toy she has ever owned, even ones that aren’t hers. She loves going on walks every day unless it is raining too hard!

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Silly Sausage

Unlike Mojo, Freddie loves going on walks in any weather. He is a silly sausage as you can always catch him smiling and is so much fun to live with. He can be shy sometimes but that is only since he went missing. He loves training, playing with his Kong frisbee and nerf mini rugby ball.

toy poodles

The Reading Dogs

Mojo and Freddie are school reading dogs which is something they absolutely love to do. As soon as they arrive at school and their owner says “Hi, it’s Lynne and the reading dogs” they get ridiculously excited and enjoy all the fuss and attention. They are also a great size for children to play with and get confident around dogs.

Guinness World Record Holder

Both Mojo and Freddie know a lot of tricks and they love learning new things every day. Mojo knows how to play the piano (and sing badly) and now holds the Guinness World Record for the most rotations on hind legs by a dog in 30 seconds. They also do some tricks together such as driving a car or dancing together by holding paws. They also have a trick where Freddie sits on a skateboard and Mojo pushes him along.

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Britain’s Got Talent

If you thought that Mojo and Freddie look a little familiar you may be right. They were on Britain’s Got Talent last year and received 4 yeses from the judges! They were the only dog act that got their own dressing room although the reason why is a bit funny. Lynne had to go film with Mojo, so she had to leave Freddie with her son and daughter. However, he screamed his head off the whole time so they put them in a dressing room on their own. He could be heard yawping from down the corridor.

Dog Activity Tracking

Lynne said that they absolutely love their PoochPlay dog activity trackers. They challenge it every day and Freddie often does ¾ times more exercise than his daily requirement. They train in agility and obedience so keeping them fit and active is very important.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about Mojo and Freddie check out Mojo’s Instagram account @mojosclub or her children’s picture book which is called Mojo Make-believe that can be found on Amazon.